Research coordination, communication, and integration
PrecipNet will establish a database for exhibiting and organizing precipitation manipulation experiments performed in various ecosystems on several spatial and temporal scales, using a variety of tools. This will form the basis for developing standard approaches for future experiments designed to improve opportunities for meaningful cross-experimental comparisons. It will also help identify knowledge gaps and suggest opportunities for research. PrecipNet will interact with other research networks,such as BASIN (Biosphere-Atmosphere Stable Isotope Network), C.DELSI (Center for the Dynamics and Evolution of the Land-Sea Interface), SAHRA (Sustainability of Semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas),and CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) Western Water Assessment.

Regional comparisons of precipitation change and its effects
The database will provide opportunities to analyze intra- and interregional patterns and processes, such as relationships between current precipitation regimes and ecosystem structure and function, and potential impacts of changes in precipitation regimes on different ecological systems.

Fostering multidisciplinary activities
PrecipNet will sponsor activities that foster communication between biologists, hydrologists, climate modelers, and social scientists. These activities will include workshops to assess the impacts, vulnerability, and mitigation of precipitation change effects and to encourage the formation of multidisciplinary research groups.

Promoting skill development and technology transfer
PrecipNet will coordinate the exchange of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers between research groups to promote communication, facilitate cross-site comparisons and proposal development, and increase skills for working in multidisciplinary groups.

PrecipNet will also sponsor interactions between scientists, stakeholders, and the public. These interactions will serve both to disseminate knowledge generated by PrecipNet members and to help members develop and refine useful research questions.